Actual needs of façade construction design related to the Life Cycle Assessment, durability and social acceptability
Chemistry › Applied chemistry
Engineering › Civil engineering
Engineering › Materials engineering
Physics › Applied physics
First Stage Researcher (R1)APPLICATION DEADLINE
25/09/2022 23:00 – Europe/BrusselsWEBSITE POSTAL CODE
Germany › BremenTYPE OF CONTRACT
We are looking for a PhD-student (M/F/D) for our Research and Development Department in Bremen-Lesum in the framework of the project „ACTA REBUILD“, funded by the European Union as part of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie ITN programm. The project starts in October and is limited to 3 years, but could be extended for another year.
It mainly focuses on the evaluation of environmental effects and performance, especially the „carbon footprint“ based on a life cycle assessment, of the membrane building industry and the comparison of the different international building certification systems. In this context, special attention will be paid to new materials and building systems (lightweight, ultralightweight, metamaterials, use of bio-based materials, second skin, phase changing materials) as well as to the potential of these new materials and systems for refurbishment and/or prolongation of the lifetime of the built environment. It is essential for the building industry to accept these challenges, how new materials and building systems, starting from the design choices, are eco-efficient and sustainable, reducing the impact on the climate changes in a changing world.
The PhD will be supervised by Dr. Carl Maywald/Dr. Torsten Balster at Vector Foiltec GmbH and Prof. Dr. Carol Monticelli at Politecnico di Milano (Polimi).
Your main tasks
- Development of comparative Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) from cradle to grave between “classic” façade building structures and novel structural skins in terms of building systems.
- Validation of sustainability of novel structural skins and materials as well as comparison between international building certification systems (LEED, BREEAM, DGNB,…).
- Integration of parametric procedures from the design tools to the LCA and eco-efficiency assessment for a real time verification.
- Evaluation of environmental impact of production processes and novel materials for building structures.
- Assistance in R & D related tasks.
- Remuneration according to the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie ITN regulations of the European Union, which is competitive with industry standards in Germany, a country with a high quality of life and an excellent health care system.
- The researcher allowances granted by Europe will cover all (employer’s and employee’s) taxes and contribution; the exact (net) salary will be confirmed upon appointment.
- An opportunity to work within a challenging European research project to collaborat with the leading industry players and universities across Europe. The position includes a one year stay at the Polytecnico di Milano (Italy) and a research stay at the Universidad de Valladolid (Spain). The candidate will be awarded by joint PhD degree between University of Valladolid and Politecnico di Milano.
- Opportunity to take over responsibility in a company, which is operating world wide as the market leader in ETFE cladding of buildings.
- Vector Foiltec is located in Bremen, a town of approximately 540,000 inhabitants in the north of Germany, where you have direct access to the whole world via the Bremen Airport.
- Company fitness program
- Master of Science in applied physics, physical, civil, chemical or electrical engineering or comparable, eventually in architectural engineering
- First experience with LCA and environmental databases for building applications
- Strong interest in ETFE and membrane architecture
- Excellent knowledge in MS Office applications
- Basic programming experiences
- During the past 3 years you have not resided, studied or worked in Germany for more than 12 month.
Specific Requirements
- Highly determined, flexible, iterative and committed working style.
- Combination of academic research with industrial innovation roadmaps
- High team player capabilities
- Presentation and reporting skills.
Selection process
For more information please contact Dr. Torsten Balster ( by mail and mention Acta-Rebuilt in the title.
For your effective application, please supply:
- Curriculum Vitae (including your contact address, work experience, publications, as well as all other academic achievements)
- Cover letter explaining your motivation
- Transcript of all courses and grades for your Bachelor and Master program
- A short description of your master’s work (max 1 page)
You can apply for this job no later than 25/09/2022 by sending email with all required documents to