Monday 3.2.2025
Informal meeting of DC´s / Teambuilding activities in Milan
Tuesday 4.2.2025
POLIMI Via Bonardi 9
9.15-9.30Introduction to the Training School
Carol Monticelli & Edoardo Piana
room 16C.0.1
9.30-11.45Research updates and presentations
Actarebuild Training Network
room 16C.0.1
11.45-12.15coffee break ☕︎
12.15-13.00Membrane architecture and ultra-lightweight building systems: introduction to the TextilesHUB activities
Alessandra Zanelli
room 16C.0.1
14.00-17.00Workshop on lightweight and bending structures (for DCs only)
Maria Giovanna di Bitonto, Ilaria Pugliese
TextilesHUB Ed. 14 “Nave”
14.15-17.00General assembly (GA), Plenary Assembly (PA) meeting
17.00-17.30Workshop results
20.00Dinner at La Dogana del Buongusto
Via Molino delle Armi 48
Wednesday 5.2.2025
POLIMI Via Bonardi 9
9.30-10.15Textile and membrane-based solutions for the built environment: an energy perspective
Adriana Angelotti
room 16C.0.1
10.15-11.00Exploring textile skins for retrofitting existing facades: advantages and methodologies
Giulia Procaccini
room 16C.0.1
11.00-11.30coffee break ☕︎
11.30-12.15Fog harvesting with textiles: from principles to practical testing
Manfredo Guilizzoni, Maria Giovanna di Bitonto, Michelle Rodriguez
room 16C.0.1
12.15-13.00Visit to Renzo Piano Foundation
Ed. 14 “Nave”
14.00-14.45Development of adaptive multi-layered textile system for energy-efficient retrofitting: a performance-driven approach
to solar reflectance adaptation

Amirhossein Ahmadnia
room 16C.0.1
14.45-16.00Visit to DABC Labs. TextilesHUB
TextilesHUB / 3B Survey Lab / SAPERlab / & Labora
Thursday 6.2.2025
8.30-9.00breakfast ☕︎
room B1.5/B1.6
9.00-10.30Additive manufacturing Lab
Luca Giorleo
Via Branze 38
10.30-11.00coffee break ☕︎
11.00-12.30Characterization of mechanical properties of biopolymers
Stefano Pandini
Material Science lab Via Branze 38
14.30-16.00Visit to the company CAUTO
Via Buffalora 5
16.00-16.30coffee break ☕︎
16.30-17.30Applied Acoustic lab
Edoardo Piana
Via Branze 38
19.00Dinner at Enac
Via Sant’Antonio 53

Friday 7.2.2025
8.30-9.00breakfast ☕︎
room B1.5/B1.6
9.00-11.00Visit to Teatro Grande
Corso Giuseppe Zanardelli, 9/A
11.00-11.30coffee break ☕︎
11.30-12.30Written Exam for all DCs ✐